Vorlonagent's SDDs: Just For Fun

Every once in a while I get a really wierd Idea and make it ito a SSD.  These aren't serious proposals.  Just done for the sake of looking strange.  

I especially like the SSDs I did for Halloween 2003.

All SSDs are copyright ADB, Inc because it's Steve Cole's game.  We're just playing with it.

SSD Pages:   DNs and BBs Cruisers Small Stuff Just for Fun
Klingon C8K Victory (ghost ship)

Posted to the SFB Discussion Boards on Oct 31, 2003:

The tale of the Cavalry Charge is well-known as is the fate of Ardak Kumerian's flagship, the C8K Victory. When the Victory was destroyed, Admiral Kumeriran separated the boom and escaped only to be hunted to his death.

But that's not the end of the story.

Strange reports began to circle Klingon space a Klingon year after the
Victory was destroyed of a lone C-8 wandering near Cavalry Charge's battleground. All remaining Klingon dreadnoughts were accounted for. Rumor has it that it is the spirit of Victory and her crew. On the anniversary of the Victory's destruction, it appears, searching for its boom section and the insane admiral that abandoned them.

The last picture send back by a convoy passing through the area was of a C8 aft section, showing a boom made of fire. The convoy was destroyed. The escorting warship was never found.

Decide for yourself if this story is true but know this: No Klingons venture near that battlefield on the anniversary of Kumerian's defeat.

I originally thought Kumerian's ship was a B-10 so I built this SSD.  It became the proof-of-concept for the C8 here and the Defiant below.

Federation CA Defiant

Posted to the SFB Discussion Boards on Oct 31, 2003:

It has been known for centuries that space is dangerous. But we think we have the dangers under control, that our technology keeps us safe. We forget that space is also strange. Sometimes stranger than we dare imagine.

Witness the case of the Federation Heavy Cruiser
Defiant, lost to a spatial anomaly in an area of unstable space near Tholian territory.

But the Defiant did not stay lost. When a different Federation Heavy Cruiser was pulled into the past, the Gorn's hostile reaction was in part because they had seen a ship like it before. The Defiant appears in the nova-cindered records of the Paravians.  Sightings are preserved in the Hydran Old Colonies.  It is even mentioned in the logs of the hundered-year-old F5 hulk found in Romulan space. 

Stories of a "Federation Ghost Ship" can be heard at any starport, but the story is never the same, save for the fact that the ship is the Defiant.

Sometimes the
Defiant is under power, sometimes drifting, sometimes moving without power.

It has been seen in every state from pristine to tattered ruin.

Sometimes it is broadcasting desperate peas for help or in a language so garbled or alien that no translator can make sense of it.  Sometimes it is silent as death.

Pick an handful of these choices and if you find yourself in the wrong place, perhaps you will see it.

But do not follow where the Defiant leads or you may find yourself on an adventure from which you may not return.

Federation-Klingon Double-Dumb-Aft Battleship

Two great tastes that taste great together!

I was going for a push-me-pull-you ship, two-tailed instead of two-headed.  Sicne it's no serious, I won't worry about the fact that it Move Cost should probably be larger than 2.

But is has a full-squadron of fighters and then some.  It somehow manages to still have a BB forward armament (4x Photon, 4x Disruptor).

I never build a Saucer + Boom version.  That would be silly.

Federation - Klingon Exchange Program Battleship

For April 1, 2004, I asked the question, "What of the Feds and the Klinks had an exchange program--and exchanged ships as well?"  

This SSD puts a B-10 boom on a Fed BB aft hull.  The Klingons get the thrill of having P-Gs firing on their side for once. Compared to the other side of the exchange, it comes out with less heavy weapons, more drone racks and better fighters. 

Klingon-Federation Exchange Program Battleship

The mirror image of the previous exchange, it puts a Fed BB saucer on a B-10 aft hull.  If this were a serious proposal it would probably suffer from shock, given its 6x Photon, 4x Disruptor forward armament.  

People on the SFB Discussion Boards liked this one a little better.  Wonder why...

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