Vorlonagent's Links

Hey, what's a web page without links?  Some may have given out.  I'll update them eventually.
SFB's Homepage The Big cheese, the Numero Uno. This is the page for the Amarillo Design Bureau, INC which designs and now publishes Star Fleet Battles   The URL on this page was broken for a while as the changeover occurred.  It's correct now.
Firemane's SFB Central Command This site is a nexus point for HR3 and earlier tournament data, game-race home pages, SFB fiction...all kindsa stuff


Star Fleet Arena Homepage What happens when Battleforce: Comuserve expands onto the Web?  THIS happens.  A constant source of Rated-Ace card tourneys.  PBEM rules from the guys that invented them.  Best of all membership;s free!
HR4 Main Tourney Page This is the HR4 homepage.  HR4 experimented with the idea of doing a "bullpen" tournament as opposed to single-elimination.  It was more work than anyone dreamt of!  Nightshade has some excellent win/loss statistics by ship and by race.
Official SFB Play-by-E-mail Site This is the ADB's PBEM site, the parent site for the HRs after 3.  HR4 is finishing, HR5 in Round 2, HR6 is starting up.
SFBNexus.com This site is not only the hub for the SFB web ring, it is THE PRIMO site for 3D-rendered SFB artwork!  This guy does some dazzling stuff!  DROOL over the detail.  There aren't enough good things to say about it.  Go see.
Unofficial SFB Home Page A private SFB site with tons of goodies, homegrown SSD's, races, etc.  One of THE crucial sites which kept SFB alive while the ADB and Task Force Games negtiated The Deal

Babylon 5 Links

Hey, a guy who calls himself Vorlonagent better have some cool B5 links...
The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 THE B5 site to bookmark.  Possibly the most complete on the Web.  Ananlysis, plot synopses, episode guides air times--if it isn't here, maybe it's not on the Web.
The Babylon 5 Encyclopedia A source of a lot of useful information, arranged alphabetically.
Firstones.com When Sierra folded their B5 game, these guys rolled up their sleeves to try to save it!  Frequented by the development team, it is THE source for info on "Into the Fire".
Warner Bros. B5 Home Page You didn't think Warner would let Babylon 5 go without a page, would you?  Pics, movies, bios...the usual.
The Crusade for Crusade When TNT folded Crusade, some fans wanted to save it, perhaps move it to another network than TNT.  This is one of several sites or pages dedicated to the series' resurrection
cScott's Babylon 5 Episode Parodies This guy is lethally hilarious.  If you don't know Babylon 5, you will be amused.  If you do, you will laugh yourself silly!  You will be a puddle on the floor.  You will need a cigarette.

We Also Recommend...

Life's more than SFB and B5.  (It really IS, right?)

Here's a slice.
Freefall A sci-fi comic about an alien everybody loves to hate, his robot sidekick and the starship engineer he received "by mistake."  Much science and science based humor, but you don't need a degree to enjoy it.
Megatokyo One of the most successful webcomics out there.  It started as something architect and animae fan Piro did for fun and it mushroomed into his livelihood.  There's got to be 5 or more years of backlog to read plus 2 books and any amount of gear.
Boeing's Future X Page The jump-off to Boeing's various experimental aircraft.  I wouldn't much care to give a large corporation a free plug, but I like X-aircraft.
Tucows Stands for The Ultimate Collection Of Winsock Software.  About anything you'd ever want to download is there.  A must-bookmark for anyone who surfs the web.
Wikipedia A user-supported on-line encyclopedia on just about anything.

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