Fog of War 6

Fleet Battle PBEM

Page maintained by Jim 'Vandal' Hart
Last Updated 15JUN2008


Follow along as the fleets do battle at Fog 6 Central.



The "Fog of War" PBEM is a large fleet battle scenario where each ship has a separate captain, and communications between captains are strictly limited [In short: Each ship has a number of radios equal to its command rating. Each radio can send or receive 128 characters of information to other ships each break].

It uses a modified version of the Star Fleet PBEM squadron rules [4 impulse autobreaks, no other breaks, longer breaks at long ranges] and runs at an average of one Sitrep per 14 days, with 7 days allowed for each SOP. There will be occasional longer SOPs for Christmas/New Year and perhaps Origins but generally one SOP per week (and a bit) is expected.

By combining the communications rules with tactical intelligence a true 'Fog of War' can be simulated, where even the Admiral does not know the full picture of the game.

The first test of these rules (without tacint) was in the Starbase Assault. The first true Fog of War was an Alliance vs Coalition, 1700 BPV fleet engagement. Each Fog since then has been slightly different, as the rules get refined and new things are tried.

For Fog of War 6 we are going to try to eliminate fleet minmaxing (see the scenario).

This game will have 2 teams. Each team will select one ship from each available race, at given point totals.

The moderator for the game is Jim 'Vandal' Hart.


There is no official timetable, but the steps will proceed as given…

  • Signups Open – Players can sign up now by sending mail to Player preferences should be sent at this time.
  • Signups close. Admiral candidates submit campaign speeches.
  • Campaign speeches are delivered. Players vote for Admiral.
  • Votes are tallied and Admirals informed.
  • Admirals submit BPV buckets and conflict resolution criteria.
  • Players are given their race and BPV bucket assignments. Ship design begins.
  • Ship allocations due to Moderator.
  • Boards open, players invited, each side receives basic info on enemy fleet. Plotting and skullduggery ensues.
  • Two weeks later, final fleet mods and opening positions due to Moderator. Opening positions and 1.00 Tac Intel posted.
  • Two weeks later, communication rules go into effect. Boards close. Cone of Silence descends. Fog rolls in.
  • One week later, EAF for turn 1 due.